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Consumer Alert: Poker Pansies and Trackback Trash

In case you are unaware as to what Trackbacks are, I found a site talking about them located at A Political Blog that digressed from their normal issues to speak out about them. I used the definition quote they did from M.A.W.B. Squad because they have a succinct definition:

“A trackback sends a link to another person's post to show that you've commented on what they've written about.”
Trackbacks were nice as they allowed you to read through several blogs on an issue and helped you discover bloggers worth reading, but just like comments being abused, thiis initially nice concept has been perverted by bottom-feeding-scum-sucking Viagra and Poker sites. In the last few days I spent time turning off the ability to do Trackbacks for 147 posts because they were all being abused by these pukes. The worst offenders are:
I have changed the O's to 0's to make sure they do not get any more free linking, these sites are ran by scum. They abuse the internet for financial gain, and since they offer inferior products and services they feel they have to improve their search ratings by “gaming” the system to give themselves a chance of finding new suckers as fast as they rip off the old ones. All of these sites have left illegal trackback links by using their website names to register, then leaving a trackback matching the title of the post. As you can see by the addresses they are struggling to provide as many covers as they can for their name changes and evasion of responsibility that reliable sites/firms offer.
Too bad another good thing has been ruined by criminal greed, I wish a blight on all of the people involved, I pray that they are unable to reproduce and that they live short and very unhappy lives. Now if you are a member of “Generation C” (C is not for cookie, but Clueless in this situation) like most of the hotlinking or users then you might ask, “Why is this a big deal?”
Let me inform you of a few realities… Anytime someone abuses something good to the point that it is no longer good they have lowered the quality and standard of life for EVERYONE! Think about what a hassle it is to do simple things these days like cash a check, buy gas without prepaying, order online, close bank accounts, (heck, as a comic I recently saw pointed out, the people at the bank that you trust with your money do not trust you with their pens.) “Safe-Tee” caps on products, 47 hot labels on fast-food coffee, people checking chili for fingers, ye gods! I could go on but if you do not get the idea at this point, then log off AOL, unplug your computer and go back to school. All this caused by the same type of crooks as those abusing trackbacks to gain search engine rankings. I just wish I could have 30 seconds with the owners of any of these sites because that would be long enough to rip open their jugular and drink their blood.

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