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I’ve been fractal exploring in Apophysis 7x again, which is one of my favorite pastimes, especially on cold winter nights like these we’ve been having here in Cincy. When I tried mixing a couple random variants, Popcorn and Escher, really cool things started to happen. So I kept exploring and rendering… I just can’t get enough of these diamonds and swirls! Here’s the latest, titled Caffeinated:


And now I’ll share a couple more from this exploration session so you can see how incredibly drastic changes can be made just by changing one or two variables ever so slightly. In this case, the only change made was in giving the image above a higher brightness level of around 70, and here below, the brightness was dropped down to 1:


And another small alteration condensed the pattern:


Would you like to try it out yourself? Get the parameters here: Escher/Popcorn Apophysis Parameters by Sya on deviantART

Have fun with it!

If you’d like to see a couple other versions I’ve created using the Popcorn and Escher variants, here are a couple that look entirely different: Cherry Cola Popcorn and Miami.

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