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Barracuda – Heart and Fergie

C'mon, you knew this was coming! (I've just taken my sweet time in posting. It's been a hectic month!)
So you might remember how Heart won first place in our Top 10 Rockinest Performances by Women list so we already established that the song Barracuda fracking rocks. Then, Fergie comes along and does the cover for the Shrek movie and you know, it's not half bad…
But then here's the topper – Heart and Fergie performed together live on American Idol Gives Back and I was amazed how Fergie comes out owning the stage with a military march reminiscent of Freddy Mercury and proceeds to hit even the high notes, does a couple one-handed flips across the stage while singing into a mic AND to top it all off, Ann Wilson proves she still has the chops. Nancy has no face. Just hair.

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