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Asking Anti-Abortion Demonstrators an Important Question

3 thoughts on “Asking Anti-Abortion Demonstrators an Important Question

  1. I suppose the same penalty for murdering your child just after birth…
    Although if it was illegal, it would probably not be any more commonly enforced than illegal music downloads or littering fines. it wouldn't be as if they could go to a hospital to kill it.
    it seems like the guy just want to scare women into fearing the penalty regardless of the morality of the act.

  2. I don't think that's necessarily true. I think the point they are trying to make isn't one of fear but logic. The fact that these women (men protest too) have been doing this for so long but have never stopped to ask themselves the question, “What should the penalty be for breaking the law?” goes to prove that their intent is not so much to incarcerate or make women pay for their choice to have an abortion. The real goal is to shut the facilities down where they can legally and safely have the procedure done. I think it's pretty telling that they do not believe a woman should be punished further after the fact, that the abortion is punishment enough. Logic dictates, like you said, that if it is illegal, it carry the same penalty as murder. But when faced with the truth of this, most of the people he interviewed, (and I believe most anti-abortionists feel this way) have to admit that they do not really consider it a murderous crime.
    The MORALITY of the act… yeah, isn't that what this all boils down to, whether it's right or wrong? Who decides that? Our courts? They've already made the decision, and it's one I stand behind.
    These demonstrators with their grotesque signs are there because they believe they will be rewarded in heaven someday. They think they are doing what's right because some man in a suit told them that's what God wants. Though I am personally against the idea of having an abortion, I have never dealt with an unwanted pregnancy and therefore have never had to make the decision, thankfully. However, I fully believe that it is each woman's decision to make for herself. And if she chooses not to carry to term, she should be able to have access to a physician and staff, sterile equipment, and medicine.
    Passing a law won't keep men from impregnating women they don't intend to stay with.

  3. I guess if it boils down to the morality of the act, then the only important question is: is it moral.
    Then again… people who used to leave their unwanted babies outside to die, and those who would kill the female babies probably considered it a personal issue more than a murderous act.
    palm-on-forehead to the people in the video.

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