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Are we real?

I'd like to challenge you to attempt to answer, using your own words or quotes (list sources), any one of the following questions by leaving your comment below:

  • What was the beginning?
  • Are we alone?
  • What's the future of the cosmos?
  • What is the nature of reality?

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

This is fascinating to me! Hope you enjoyed it as well.
Source – Are We Real – What We Still Don't Know

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4 thoughts on “Are we real?

  1. Hi, I'm Adi.
    I am really interested in your current post in your blog; “are we real”.
    And thus, I would like to share my opinions (regarding your questions) with you.
    What was the beginning?
    In my POV, the beginning is the combination of 'something' and 'nothing'. For example, your own blog and arts. They are from your ideas (which is 'something'), but still 'nothing' (not produced yet). Only you have done 'something' to your ideas (realization, actualization), then 'something' began. Thus, it was the beginning of your production. Well, it may be applied in life or whatever 'beginning' that we would seek the answer – the beginning of human, planets, cosmos, universe, etc.
    Are we alone?
    No we are not. Even if we are the last human on earth we are still not alone. I am not talking about God or religious things. What I mean is we are like a shampoo with 'two in one' (or three, or many in one) feature. Some psychologist may say it as 'split personality'. Some cartoons or comedies may picture it as two small version of ourself at our left and right shoulders (one with white robe, wings and circle of light on it's head, while the other one is just the red guy with a trident). The real thing is, we are not alone. As if there is something inside us, another being just like us but not seen physically. This will be clear as we sometimes 'talk to ourself' or some may use the term 'monologue'. Especially when we wanna make a choice.
    Which dress is better to wear today eh?
    What do I want to eat today?
    What should I do tomorrow?
    Is this one better, or that one?
    What the hell am I thinking?
    The question is, if we are really alone, who is the one asking the questions, and who is the one answering them?
    What's the future of the cosmos?
    This, I still could not find the answer. Because our future is limited (we could only live to certain limit of time). Thus, it would only depends on our future (for now). After we leave this world, then it will depend on the future generation's future.
    What is the nature of reality?
    In my POV, the nature of reality is associated with the right or wrong of one's ideology, which is the right or wrong of that will depends on the perception and interest of individual. We ought to believe that what was believed by the majority is the most correct, and thus assumed that that belief is the reality. But still, there are other groups will claim that they are the one which is right and much closer to reality than the other. If both claimed that they are the one closer to reality, then which one is the right one? Which one is the real one? Thus, in my POV, it can be concluded that the nature of reality is actually the variation of individual's stand.
    I hope those knowledge sharing would benefit you in your quest to find the “real” answers. Anyway, nice questions. They really give some 'sparks' in my rusted mind. 🙂

  2. Really? Only one comment so far? Okay, I'll take a stab.
    1. What was the beginning?
    Given our limited understanding of the nature of the universe and of our own existence, it's entirely possible that there was never a “beginning,” per se, but rather a circular cycle of being. Thus, no beginning and no end. Just being. I find this notion comforting.
    2. Are we alone?
    It's statistically unprobable. I know I just knocked our scientific knowledge in answer #1, but still. We DO know the universe is inconceivably vast, so something besides us has to be out there. Right?
    3. What's the future of the cosmos?
    See answer #1. More of same.
    4. What is the nature of reality?
    Reality is an agreed-upon paradigm. Most humans seem to be tuned into a similar frequency, and so we agree on this issue for the most part, with some notable divergences. It would be a different world indeed if schizophrenia were the rule as opposed to the exception.
    Keep in mind, I'm a writer, lacking a background in science (you say no way!), so this is all conjecture without any citation.

  3. 1. What was the beginning? 1
    2. Are we alone? Are “we” alone is an oxymoron.
    3. What's the future of the cosmos? Decay
    4. What is the nature of reality? Math math=reality

  4. Hello Sya…
    I must admit that I came across your blog for the very first time today via metafilter. I got so much more than expected from a typical link. I found so many fascinating things on your page and various links, and most of all want to say thank you for this series of videos. I'm not quite prepared at this moment to post my responses in a vaguely public forum but wanted to acknowledge my appreciation.

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