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Inspired by fractals, moire patterns, ad Islamic art, artist Andres Amador creates beautiful patterns of light in 3D sculpture that just blow me away. Among the vivid images of intricate sand cirlces and light patterns are videos of his artwork in motion. The site is more than visual eye candy; he often offers thought provoking insights and theories when he speaks about his art:

Everything in existence is a consequence of the pattern of energy flow. From the very smallest level of quarks to the very highest level of galaxies, the pattern of energy flow is at the heart of being. We are surrounded by pattern, saturated in pattern, composed of pattern- the patterns that form our cells, the patterns of our bodies, the patterns of our thoughts. When we distinguish a pattern, we are indirectly experiencing the forces at work responsible for them. We often only know something based solely from the patterns left behind. The bulk of my artistic pursuits revolve around seeking the essence of the patterns of nature, the heart of the motion that instigates being. I bring this search into all my pursuits- dance, music, art, and, ultimately, life. – Andres Amador's Statement of Intent

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