Stacy Reed (she/her) was born and raised in Michigan. She met her partner Michael at an elementary school in Flint, Michigan where they waited for busses that took them to different schools.

They now live on a ridge in the foothills of Appalachia in Northeast Kentucky where she works as Sr. Technical Writer for the Engineering Team at Tucows/Wavelo.
She is an artist working under the pseudonym, Sya, in traditional mediums such as clay, paint, ink, and found treasure as well as digital mediums like 3D modeling and fractal geometry.
Fractal Flames
Fractals are complex, recursive mathematical equations that, when plotted out on a plane, create geometric patterns with self-similarity at every scale.
Fractal flames are a member of the iterated function system class of fractals created by Scott Draves in 1992.
Stacy came upon a software called Apophysis, a fractal flame editor, while reviewing software for the old Tucows Downloads site. In 2002, she joined up with two other fractal artists to create one of DeviantArt’s first groups, Apophysis – the fractal community, a place for fractal-lovers to learn about Apophysis, engage in contests and events, and share resources, gradients, seeds, and art.
Although Apophysis can still be downloaded today, Chaotica (which started out as a rendering tool for Apophysis flames) is now her favorite software explorer and renderer.
Hi Stacy,
You’ve got a lovely site!
Myself, for some time I have been making animated wallpapers for my own pleasure. Recently I uploaded my “creations” on a hosting site and I plan to give away the link occasionally to people who might like them.
For one of these animations, I used your photograph “Black Cat”. In the ReadMe of the application I mention it and give your link. I can of course add your name or whatever you like. Is it okay? If not, I will of course withdraw this animation from the site or redo it using another photo.
You can have a look and download here:
wallpaper “Tu m’auras pas!” – (that’s French for “You won’t get me!”) in the pack of two wallpapers 03 – “Attention au Chat!” (“Beware of the Cat!”).
Best Regards,
Thanks for letting me know, Elisabeth. I don’t mind as long as the wallpapers are offered for free and never commercially. Please link back to my site and credit me as the photographer. Cheers, Stacy