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Meet Syd

Syd Parrot is the newest member of our family! He is a 1 yr old Quaker who has already captured my heart! So far he's been pretty quiet. We drove a little over an hour to get him and all the way home, he bobbed his head while Michael whistled to him. Didn't make a sound!

Here is a picture of him puffing up his feathers. He does that when he's happy or when we blow raspberries. OMG he's adorable as heck! I just love his cute little cheekas!

He does a little chattering kinda under his breath like he's trying to whisper. He likes to sit on my shoulder and whenever I say “tickle tickle” and give a little rub he makes a little “t-t-t-t” sound. He gives kisses, and I could swear he's trying to say “kisses” but it's in that whispering chatter voice, not loud at all. He must be practicing. 😉 His previous owner says he can talk a little, but so far he's been remarkably quiet. I guess he's waiting to impress us with those skills until he gets to know us better. He sure loves being the center of attention though.

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