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F— Authority!


Surprise! I missed posting last week's 5 for Fri. since we were in Toronto for Tucows' summer party. So to make up for it, you get a few bonus tracks this week and on a humpday even… why? Because I needed something to post today, that's why! Also, I was inspired by this elegantly written excerpt that I wanted to share from Roger Housden's Soul and Sensuality: Returning the Erotic to Everyday Life

“Let me tell you the other story of Eve. Eve did a brave and beautiful thing. She reached her arm past the injunctions of the Father God, she picked the apple from the tree, and bit into its ripe and ready flesh. She knew that it was good, and she passed the apple on to Adam, that he might taste the goodness of it also. In that moment, Adam and Eve awoke from the primordial dream, and their eyes were opened. They saw the beauty of their form in the splendour of their own light.

Now Eve was wise from the beginning… because she was able to listen deeply. Eve listened, and beneath the clamour of the Father voice which told her to do its bidding without questioning she could hear the softer whisperings of a truer life. Eve chose this way of life according to her own conscience, and she took the fruit. In that one moment, Eve blessed all generations to come with the gift of being able to take part in the creation of their own world… Eve “knew” to take the apple. She had the greatness of heart to reach out her hand in the face of all reason. Eve had courage because she knew that in eating the fruit of a conscious life, she would be living the pain as well as the joy.”

Related Links:
Audio Anarchy
Anarchist Black Cross Network
Anarchist Musicians – Wikipedia
Question Authority: A Proposal – Mondo Globo

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