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Look What I did with Sprout

Sprout is an amazingly customizable and free widget creator. This one was super easy to make and publish on iGoogle. I was curious if it would actually show up in a blog post. This is just a test.
Update: It looks like it has lost the thumbnails for the second and third pages, though they are all there on the first. Overall, I'd say it's a pretty powerful tool. Make them any size using one of their templates or from scratch. You can even add music and video! At any rate, it's a quick and easy way for any type of business to set up their own little custom widget cuz widgets are teh shiznat. You know you want one of your very own. I want to make like a gajillion of them.
Click on the little “share” button in the lower-right corner to see a list of sites Sprout widgets are compatible with.

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