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The Art of Michael Salter

“Michael Salter's work is a massive and in-depth response to visual culture. A self proclaimed “obsessive observer” he culls through the avalanche of mass media and corporate branding to find poignant, absurd and baffling pieces which become part of his work. His work bridges all disciplines from product and toy design, to kinetic sculpture, logotypes, animation, and signage. He is currently interested in cognitive behavior and its relationship to particular visual stimuli, and the continued construction of styrofoam robots.” – UO Department of Art

I have always wanted to make sculptures out of styrofoam pieces just like that! Alas, I have no place to store all the things I would collect if I could. I hate throwing away things that could be useful or artistic just because I can't stand the idea of sending it to a landfill. I've come to accept that I am a pack rat, but I can't tell you how much money I've saved over the years because I've kept things that could be re-used. Luckily, my husband is also a collector so he never nags me to toss out my stuff. My biggest fear does not lie in accumulating too much, but of the Clean Sweep team coming in and throwing it all out! What a nightmare that would be!

I'm so glad I don't live with one of these minimalist types.
The artistic statements made by Salter's incredible body of work really resonate with me. I hope you will take some time to look through his online gallery.

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