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Just wanted to start spreading the news… I finally purchased a domain name for the Librarian Chick wiki! Please bookmark and share it on your favorite social networking sites! Librarian Chick now contains nearly 400 free resources with new additions posted multiple times weekly. If you want to know when new resources are listed, just subscribe to the RSS feed.
Also, I added FOSSwiki as a subdomain, so it can now be found at Both of these wikis are still hosted by PBwiki for the time being, but soon I hope to be hosting Librarian Chick on our own server. FOSSwiki will likely stay put for a while longer though. I'm currently adding links to the developer's home pages for each title on the main page , so please be patient while these updates are being made.

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4 thoughts on “

  1. I'm curious why you intend to move from PBwiki to your own hosted solution; PBwiki can provide you with a speedier, more secure, and more reliable experience for your wiki at overall much lower cost.

  2. Hi David,
    Don't get me wrong, PBwiki has been a great freebie service and for the most part, I have enjoyed using their site. I've even promoted it on Tucows on a couple of occasions.
    But since you asked, there are a few reasons why I want to move to a different server. The free version was great when LC was young even if there was only 3 designs to choose from. But now I want to see some changes… most importantly, I want to see traffic statistics, I want to customize the site to make it more original and I want to advertise.
    In order to see my stats, I have to pay PBwiki at least $19 a month, but if I want to customize the wiki also, it will cost me a whopping $99.95 a month. To add insult to injury, even if I spent the hundred bucks a month, I'd still only have 7 basic designs to choose from.
    Now check out this web hosting site, SiteGround… They provide free wiki software, free domain name, site stats, shopping cart software, email accounts, 500 GB of space and they allow 5000 GB of traffic (features aplenty) for only $5.95 a month. No security issues, a seemingly strong customer support team… I could spend three times as much with PBwiki and still not get anywhere near the same bang for my buck.
    I've looked around on PBwiki's site tonight, but can't find any information about advertising. However, I did look into not long ago and found out that if I wanted to add more Google Ads (because they already exist on my pages though I've not made any profit from it), I would have to split the profits 50/50 with PBwiki!
    Not too long ago, PBwiki put out a request for user feedback so I took that opportunity to let them know what I thought. I do like the free service, and the wiki language was fun and easy to pick up. I just need something more than what they can offer.
    But wait, I have just one last gripe about PBwiki… they have recently incorporated a new WYSIWYG type interface which has messed everything up on my pages! Of course, they give users the ability to add and edit the wiki code just like before with the option to switch back and forth between it and the new WYSIWYG editor. That's great! But when I edit the old fashioned way, it wrecks my header text by adding extra lines and exclamation points, and completely loses the Table of Contents. Then if I edit with the WYSIWYG, all of my tags turn into long links. Now, when the page is saved, the Top links have underscores under them because they don't have a page associated with them. So I can't ever have it just right, whichever way I edit messes one or the other up. It's infuriating!
    Now, to be fair and objective, I have to say that I've never tried a different wiki software other than PBwiki. When the Stingy Scholar kindly offered to host LC over on their server, my husband and I really started thinking about moving LC to an offsite server or building a server and hosting it ourselves as a fun little project. Other than my years of reviewing (non-wiki) software, I have no way of determining PBwiki's true value until I've tried something else for comparison's sake. From my initial assesment, I think the money could be better spent and possibly made elsewhere.
    Here is a list of Wiki software comparisons you might find interesting and helpful:

  3. I just wanted to write that LibrarianChick is a fantastic resource, as well as an ambitious project. Well Done!

  4. o hai!
    Congrats on a wonderful resource. Your blog looks equal terrific.
    I'm a bit late to finding Librarian Chick but you've got a mention on the blog. Reassuring to see I'm not the only one having grief with PBWiki. Have you tried
    I'm also a macro addict and find I've gotten far too much fun out of the current season of Doctor Who thanks to

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