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FOSSwiki Update

I've been making some changes to the FOSSwiki and wanted to let you know about them.
For those of you who haven't yet visited, FOSSwiki is a listing of Freeware and Open Source software in wiki form. It has well over a few hundred titles thus far and is always growing as new content is added weekly. I've had some people express interest in editing the wiki themselves. I've decided that the best route to take is to open FOSSwiki to the public. The password is available to anyone who wishes to edit the site, it's right there in the FAQ. This way software developers and connoisseurs can post their own listings if they want. Visitors can edit mistakes, fix broken links and add their favorite free software titles!
I'm optimistic that the FOSS won't be abused, but just in case, I'm making regular backups. 😉
Other site updates:
A new Fractal category has been added with about 25 programs listed, all free for your enjoyment.
The site also has a new header pic. Thanks to PBwiki Fanclub for the script.
Upcoming Features:
A section for Firefox extensions/download sites is coming very soon. I realize these are largely free anyway, but let's face it, some are better than others and some will become obsolete with newer versions of Firefox. The people have asked. The people shall receive.
I also want to add links to the developers homepage alongside each software listing link on the front page. I think this will save a step for those who want to go directly there without having to open another FOSSwiki page to get the link.
I'm hoping opening this site to the public for editing will help it grow in leaps and bounds. I hope you will take a moment to see if your favorite Freeware is listed, and if not, please add it so someone else can enjoy it as well! If you have any comments or suggestions on ways to make this site a better resource, please don't hesitate to drop me a line!

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