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Artist Showcase – Larry Kagan

My husband and I went to the Flint Institute of Arts last week and saw a really cool sculpture hanging on the wall by artist, Larry Kagan. It appeared to be just a bunch of chaotic twisted metal pieces welded together, but it was casting a shadow on the wall in the shape of a perfect box! We came home and looked him up online. I find his artwork fascinating in that there is more than meets the eye, form from chaos, the familiar derived from the abstract. You'll want to check out his gallery to see the variety of objects he has cast in lines of shadow.

“I found out that I could make continuous forms out of discontinuous kinds of steel elements; I found that I could make whole and complete forms out of pieces of steel that looked like they were flying every which way away from a center. It's amazing, because what I discovered was, I mean, in retrospect obvious, was that the shadow isn't just a line on the wall, but it's really a volume in space…” – Object/Shadows: The Work of Larry Kagan

Watch a short movie of Kagan discussing his work and see him at work in his studio.

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