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Librarian Chick – Free Learning Resources

Here's a little something I'm working on… I think it should be ready to go by the end of this week. I just have a little more content I want to put up but you all get a geek-sneak-peak!
Introducing Librarian Chick, a wiki that organizes a large collection of links to free educational resources and reference sites for those with big brains and small pocketbooks. It's for students, educators and anyone else who's hip to learning.
So far there are over 200 resources linked, but by the end of the week, I hope to have over 250 and like FOSSwiki, it will just keep growing. There are free lessons, lectures, ebooks, and audiobooks you can download from prestigious schools and libraries, test preparation sites, reference sites, calculators, information about college loans and more.
If you like it, please feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed so you can keep updated on new content. Also, it would be totally cool if you could help spread the word by adding it to your Simpy, fUrl,, Digg, Reddit, SU, or whatever it is you use.
Update: Just added a nifty little search tool thanks to Google. Search for FREE books online! Get results from literally dozens of the biggest and most complete libraries that host free resources! This will be a huge help to anyone looking for books by title or by a specific author… much easier than scanning each individual book site listed on Librarian Chick.

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