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Ode to My Favorite Keyboard

My husband said I should take a picture of my keyboard and post it. See the grooves in the letters E,S and D? Yeah, those are from my fingernails! There are similar grooves in letters R, N, M, L, C and V. It's a Dell QuietKey keyboard, though I'm sure it would be way more quiet if it weren't for the sound of my nails hitting the keys at a mile per minute. I found this keyboard in an old box in Tucows' basement years ago when my previous keyboard bit the bullet. Lord knows how old it is…

Yes, it's pretty boring, no fancy-shmancy Internet keys or macro'd audio keys… just the basics. It has served me well. I kinda like the grooves, actually. Sure, I occasionally find myself lusting after one of those illuminated beauties with the couple dozen macro keys I'll never use (I'm old school like that)… or maybe one of those flexible ones that wouldn't take up so much space… but there's something to be said for the comfort of the familiar. My Dell QuietKey has been there for me through the good times and bad. It still works fine though I've dropped crumbs onto it, spilled coffee into it, and generally mistreated it. I think I've even dropped it a time or two, not to mention the consistent use, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for an estimated 5 years! What a friend! A true companion!

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