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Addicted to Words

I should have known by the title of the site that I'd be hopelessly addicted to the games hosted there. I've been playing Words at for a couple days now and I am sad to say that I still suck. My highest score was 549.
Here's a variant of the game link which I also suck at but can't stop playing. I keep thinking if I play long enough, I'll get better, but the longer I play, the worse I suck!
Can you beat 549? C'mon and show me yer leet skills!

1 thought on “Addicted to Words

  1. Hi Stacy! Tried to open the link you gave, but I keep getting an error message that game data can't be loaded. Have you encountered that message there? Or, is it only certain times of the day that one can play? Sounds like one of my kind of games. 😀

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