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Abuse of the Law

Starforce is a firm that specializes in copy protection. In my personal experience their product has done nothing but cause issues with any computer I have ever been unfortunate enough to expose to it. I am not saying they are malware, but my experience has never been a positive one. Their “copy protection” schemes have even led to me rebuilding PC's to restore normal functionality AFTER I uninstalled the software that added the Starforce products, and I find this unacceptable. I chose to vote with my dollars and have stopped buying ANYTHING they touch. Nothing should remain on a computer, especially a “virtual driver” after the game/software is uninstalled. They have never treated this in my opinion as a serious matter and it is what I feel is their greatest failure.
It appears I am not the only one that feels this way, but rather than engage in a debate, they have chosen to threaten and sue anyone that dares to comment negatively on their software. There was a comment on forums that lead to them issuing legal threats and apparantly contacting the FBI and reporting criticism as harassment. I find this unacceptable and people need to be aware of their activity.

You can read the current updates to this at;
I would encourage you all to make yourself aware of this, and boycott any product containing their software. You can read their propaganda at, but I will not help their google rank by linking to them.
Go ahead and sue me also Starforce, I think your products are the suck, and I am an American.

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