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Insurance companies are “Teh D3viL”

Insurance companies are amazingly adept at stupidity. We are talking about “join the union and be a good member” level of stupidity. Obviously they are profitable because they have the ability to tax their customers for new funds to cover each mistake they make and the only recourse is changing firms to another of the same industry with the same shady practices. I have the same insurance provider for both my home and auto. They have all the relevant data for both in their databases. However it appears their DBA's are smoking rock because with such a huge dataset available it is clear that they are not using it for the clients good. I would be sure they have it configured to hurt clients but sheer laziness seems to be the watchword.
We got a letter in the mail from our insurance agent because the firm is demanding that we provide them with info about the “undisclosed drivers” who live at our address. My immediate reaction is to tell them to go to hell, the very term implies that I have committed insurance fraud. So I am accused without proof, because someone at Grange figured out that “OMG BECKY IF WE ZABASEARCH THAT ADDRESS IT LISTS OTHER PEOPLE LIVING THERE!”. So the ignorant f**ks (that word could be folks but I think you get the context) at Grange decide to demand that I provide them with further data or they will automatically add the people that we bought the house from and who have not lived there or listed it as a residence in over 4 years.
So my house with X square is supposed to be divided amongst my wife, myself, my two daughters, the piece of trash (why he is a piece of trash would require me to talk about a lot more and I will fill you all in in the future) we bought it from and his woman. This is the assumption from the insurance company that has the square foot numbers and the people numbers together. You can defend them by saying that perhaps the auto side does not talk to the home side, but that is not an acceptable answer, nor is is a permissible excuse. Either their IS department, their CIO, and all their department heads are incompetent, too busy trying to fire locals and bringing in unneeded H1B's, or their customers run second to profit. Which is really silly because they, being an insurance company, do not take losses.
I have already asked our agent to start looking for firms that are more professional in their actions. She has in turn warned me that many now abuse their customers in this manner and that leaves me with the question of just exactly why they think this is an acceptable business practice. I am tempted to not notify them of anything, I signed the original forms with the correct data, and they have accused me of lying. No one should work with a firm that presupposes the guilt of their customers.
I can imagine other industries trying such a thing and being laughed at, so I am not sure why this is allowed.
Ford calls and says, “We think that because someone used to live in the house once thought about speeding in 1967 we are going to add a surcharge to your warranty unless you can prove that they no longer live there.”
Anyone sane would call a lawyer.
Comcrash Cable calls and says, “Someone that lived in your house in 1984 did not pay their bill, so we are adding it to your bill unless you can prove they no longer live there.”
Yep Laywer time!
Your car insurance company calls and says, “We have a suspicion that in the past someone may have lived at your address and as such we think you are lying and want to charge you more.”
And this is LEGAL???
If your insurance company does it to you, CHANGE COMPANIES, vote with your dollars people.

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