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The Bad Girls Guide to Goddess Health by Karin Witzig

By Karin Witzig

From the page: “Let’s get one thing clear. If you don’t train your inner bad girl she will school you. This can be fun at times. You get to relax and let it all hang out and let someone else run the show. In this day-and-age of doing so much, it can be a relief.

Here are common ways she likes to make herself known:

* Just when you’re feeling really great, she tries to sabotage your health efforts with large amounts of chocolate eating.
* When you feel bored she likes to raid the fridge and look for something. And no matter what you eat or drink, you never feel satisfied.
* When it comes to fun, the things she immediately goes for are cocktails, sugar, recreational drugs and anything that relieves the inner pressure,
* She likes for you to stay out too late and eat/drink too much when you’ve got big plans the next day/the coming week
* She’s the one who say’s “What the hell, I’m already off track, might as well…””

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